Coaching Expectations

Please fill out the form below to apply for personal or professional coaching.

    General Information

    First Name

    Last Name

    Company Name

    Job Title

    Mobile Number

    Office Number

    Mailing Address

    Preferred method of communication

    Date of Birth

    Please share important facts about your background that will help us understand what's important to you and what matters most.

    What are your top 3 - 5 accomplishments in life thus far?

    What do you believe are your best strengths?

    What do you believe are your current limitations?

    What drives your quest for personal or professional improvement?

    When you think about the “big picture of life,” what matters most to you?

    What is the most important step you can take this week to begin accomplishing and living into your best life now?

    Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

    What 3 short-term goals would you like to achieve over the next 90 days?

    What gives you energy, satisfaction, and joy?

    What drains your energy?

    Is there anything that occasionally or often keeps you awake at night or consumes time that you wish to eliminate?

    How have you been motivated in the past to reach difficult goals or make difficult decisions?

    What are the top benefits you want from our coaching process?

    What do you believe are the main strengths the best executives and leaders possess and why do you believe this?

    Where do you stand in your key relationships?

    What area do you believe you most need to improve in order to develop in your most important relations and responsibilities?