Systems Tools & Processes
JessTalk's Universe Systems Tools & Processes (STPs)
A culmination of refined, tested & validated knowledge shared with you. At JessTalk, one of our core pillars is helping others. Not only helping, PROPELLING them forward.
We hope you find these as valuable as past and current clients. Reach out with any questions.
The following resources have been derived from many sources over our 30 years of service. Resources are decommissioned with superior systems tools & processes are identified. They are listed below in reference to their associated book.
Jesse’s first published book in the series - published 2006
Jesse’s 2nd Edition published book in the series - published 2022
Jesse & Lisa co-authored book in the series - published 2023
5-Star What Matters Most Assessment
Roles Phase I

Values Phase II

5-Year Outlook

3-Year Perspective

1-Year View

My Life Plan

Reading Recommendations

Lisa Ferrell Ph.D

Turning a Crisis Into Abundance

Color Code Brief Summary

BLUES (DCM is Intimacy)
What does it mean to be motivated by intimacy as a Blue?
Being motivated by intimacy means that Blues like to connect with others on a deep and meaningful level. Just ask any Blue how they feel about people who are fake/superficial, and you will get quite a strong reaction.
Blues want nothing to do with those kinds of people because intimacy for a Blue is about truth, legitimacy, integrity, loyalty, and sincerity. Most Blues will tell you that they can count the number of their true friends on one hand because those are the people with whom they feel that real, intimate connection.

WHITES (DCM is Peace)
What does it mean to be motivated by peace as a White?
While it is true that most Whites are not typically big fans of conflict, their definition of peace runs deeper than simply the absence of conflict. To a White, peace is all about inner harmony and balance.
They don’t like to have that equilibrium disrupted. That’s why they try to change the subject if you attempt to talk about something that makes them feel insecure. They don’t want to stir things up inside.

REDS (DCM is Power)
What does it mean to be motivated by power as a Red?
Sometimes people think about power in terms of control. While it’s true that Reds like to be in control of their circumstances and are attracted to leadership opportunities, that’s not a very complete picture of what power really means to Reds. To Reds, power generally means the ability to move from point A to point B— and to do it in the most direct and efficient way possible.

What does it mean to be motivated by fun as a Yellow?
Fun does not simply mean that Yellows are seeking endless frivolity and that they never take things seriously. People incorrectly assume that Yellows don’t like structure, when in fact, they crave it. It only looks like they resist it because most Yellows don’t know how to create structure on their own. Fun to a Yellow actually means “living in the moment.”

Every decision you make related to the important relationships in your life is an opportunity to build deeper trust, understanding, and respect. When the people you connect with feel that you care about them and appreciate them, the bonds you create have the potential to become unbreakable. In this illuminating book, professional life coaches Jesse and Lisa Ferrell reveal the key ingredients to build - or restore - healthy and fulfilling relationships.
Jesse’s first published book in the series - published 2006
Jesse’s 2nd Edition published book in the series - published 2022
Upgraded Master Organizational System
Now that you have discovered our Upgraded Master Organizational System page on our website, you believe in creating the most efficient ways to manage the quality of how you accomplish small to large responsibilities and tasks. Some like to phase this action as ‘Time Management’…
We like to call it ‘Personal Management’…The responsibility isn’t only on time, it is also on YOU and how well you accomplish small to large matters efficiently and effectively without allowing the weight and number of your responsibilities to overwhelm you.
We have moved from our DAAL (Daily Accelerated Action List) to F.O.C.U.S (Finish One Clear Uninterrupted Service at a time) to now GQueues. We love the amazing organization and personal management that serves our personal and professional lives by the daily use of GQueues. We trust you will find the same value as you make the connection with GQueues by clicking the links below.
Explaining Overview of GQueues

How You Leave Them Feeling is an inspirational book written for anyone who wants to live a happier and more fulfilled life. It explores attitude, communication and personal growth, and has sold thousands of copies internationally and domestically. Whether you are the CEO of a multinational company or a student attending college, the simple steps offered by Jesse Ferrell in How You Leave Them Feeling can be incorporated into your everyday life to achieve immediate, effective and rewarding results.
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