When a company performs poorly, the cause is almost always due to ineffective or lack of communication. The longer ineffective communication continues, the more toxic your company culture can become. It can result in major frustration, negativity, and total chaos for the employees, followed by poor performance, and the termination or endless revolving door of new-hires quitting. All this spreads throughout your company, negatively impacting your brand and your bottom line.
You can end the spiral of negativity with a course of regularly scheduled trainings. JessTalk focuses on leadership, accountability, and connection. We inspire individuals and companies to live up to their highest vision. JessTalk and LisaListen use principles of emotional intelligence to identify the goals and what matters most. Our programs can be customized to your company needs in formats from 3 hours to 3 days.

Who said training programs need to be long and boring? People tend to absorb more material when it is infused with humor and they are enjoying the learning process. Edutainment is a fun way to engage the audience and keep them from nodding off in the back row, or even the front row!
Our Train the Trainer Program shows your instructors how to deliver courses, workshops, and seminars using innovative approaches that increase engagement and participation. A good Train the Trainer program can build a pool of competent instructors who can then teach the material to other people in a manner that gains enrollment and retention.
Discover how our program can train your trainers the right way.

When your team is working well, where do you take them? You need to find new ways to challenge them so they stay engaged with their work and committed to your company. Regular, tailor-perfect training programs can be the distinction you need to help them perform even greater. Recurring trainings can make it happen:

Our youth are taught math, science, and english in school, but life skills are sorely missing in our educational system. Due to hurried lifestyles while making ends meet, parents can also miss teaching important life skills that assist those coming out of high school and college. Life has a knack of throwing challenges your way at any age. How you respond to them builds your character and confidence. Launching into adulthood can be an exciting time of life, or it can be a painful process as you can feel lost and confused with little to no direction. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone by your child’s side to help them prepare for the road ahead?
Our Life Skills Development Training is not a cookie cutter style-coaching program. It is highly customized to fit the wants, needs and acumen of each student. We build a unique partnership with each participant helping them to prepare for life after high school and college.
Learn how to assist your child in embracing such an important and transitional phase of life so they can realize their fullest potential.