6 Key Elements All High-Performance Teams Must Have

Top 100 Leadership Development Speaker
 “Making the very complex…awesomely simple”

John Spence is a professional speaker and Leadership Development Expert.  He is an amazing personality with a wide body of solid work!   John has many credits to his name, starting with these incredible five major awards highlighted below:

Top 100 Business Thought Leader in America
Top 100 Small Business Influencer in America
Top 100 Global Thought Leader in the area of Trustworthy Business Behavior
Top 500 Leadership Development Expert in the World
Top 100 Leadership Speaker

When you think of high performance teams, you must think of John Spence.  As a profound and highly award winning leadership development expert, he wows global audiences from New Zealand – America and many countries in between with his six key elements that John believes all high performance teams must have.

Three of those six elements art as follows:

1. Clear shared value
2. Measured goals
3. Competent people and transparent communication

On top of having high intelligence, John sprinkles his natural sense of humor throughout his presentations.  I have heard John speak in person and I can assure you that he is amongst the best of the best!

I totally agree with Spence and the key points he makes about the best elements supporting high performance teams.  I have worked with companies who lack clear and shared values.  Those companies who do not make the connection as to why this is vital live in chaos and misinformation fueled by a robust and gnarly roomer mill. 

In organizations lacking clear shared values rarely are there enough of the right leaders on the same page or even reading from the same book.   This results in lost opportunities, missed goals and eroding bottom lines.   Establishing shared values, as a starting point is where the best high performing teams live and thrive.

I live by the motto, what gets measured…gets done!  Simply put, high performance teams always establish meaningful goals and build an infrastructure to have a realistic shot at hitting their desired goals.  Your desired goals laced with definable metrics is the catalyst for creating synergy and direction with your company or team.  As your goals are being met on the strength of this shared perspective your team is elevated and connected to what matters most in the organization.

As Spence says, the third element is hiring competent people insisting on transparent communication amongst individuals, groups, teams, departments and throughout the entire organization.  You must not allow your organization or company to function in silos.  This is the start of a slow or possibly rapid death of a company.

I have worked with very good Fortune 500 companies who constantly streamline their communication processes and add value to their human resources in the way of training, workshops and keynotes in order to keep the blade of communication sharp. 

John Spence has written a couple of books and I recently read his book, Awesomely Simple!  A real page-turner for those who are ready for power messages made simple to digest.   Please view video below to hear John share the additional three key elements of high performance teams. 

​​For more information on John Spence please go to his website at http://johnspence.com