The Power of Asking

Why ask for what you want and need when you can simply get it yourself? What is the point in humiliating yourself or lowering your character down to the level of having to ask for assistance, support, direction, financial help, or any other personal or professional help matter? The reason is simple and comes down to a single simple word…and … Read More

What’s the REAL Reason You Need an Inspirational Speaker In 2017?

Many people hire a speaker for a beginning-of-the-year benefit or banquet. It’s common to choose an inspirational speaker who can get the crowd whipped up into a feel-good place so they pull out their wallets or dig into the cause. But that isn’t the most important reason to hire a professional inspirational speaker for your event. Sure, you have goals … Read More

What Does an Inspirational Speaker Leave Behind After An Event?

You’ve been to that event. The crowd mingles, you eat the chicken kiev, you knock back a couple of cocktails and then you wait for the keynote speaker. Or maybe it was a workday event- the salad, the Diet Pepsi, the iPhones and calendars and planners. And the speaker. The PowerPoint, the bullet point, the final point. What was the … Read More