Do Your Fears and Doubt Hold You Back?

Do Your Fears and Doubt Hold You Back?

Where do your fears and doubts hold you back in life?

Do you struggle with internal conflict to the point where you get stuck in paralysis?

Are you terrified that you will make the wrong choice so you make no choice at all?

Life will continue to move on, whether or not you make a choice, the choice will be made for you.

It is best to recognize there is no better time than the present to be proactive in your life. Take responsibility for your actions. Once you do this you will start to feel empowered as you see results start taking place. Just because things may not turn out the way you wanted them too, know that you are right where are you supposed to be and in due time, the right things will start lining up for you.

You may feel fearful and full of self-doubt. You can choose not to doubt but rather the choice to stretch and grow. It is in those changes in life where the magic happens. Think about that. Think about the toughest times you were challenged in your life. Then think about what came from the other side of those challenges.

The following is a short story in my life, where fear and doubt controlled me.

I broke my neck at age 14 demonstrating gymnastics at the local sporting good store. I missed the last half of ninth grade, all of my sophomore and junior year. These were the formative years of my life.  It turns out that if I would have moved less than one millimeter I would have been paralyzed from the neck down and been a paraplegic for life and never walk again.

I would be living an entirely different life than I live now. My neck was fractured from C4-C6. The next step was surgery. I was in the hospital for 6 weeks. I had to learn how to walk all over again.

I was in so much pain that I chose to take more pain medication until the next thing you know, I was taking 30 pain pills a day and I became addicted to pain pills. I was out of control. I became suicidal. Drugs were propping me up. I woke up one and day and I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I refused to live one more day of my life feeling this way. These five words changed my life THIS IS NOT MY LIFE.

What did I do about it? I reached out to find the best people that I could surround myself with to help me move from the darkness and back into the light. I went on a personal and professional development journey.

I wanted to live life and thrive. I read self help books. I signed up for PSI Seminars, which lead me to my breakthrough and discoveries. And finally, I hired a life coach to hold me accountable.

On the other side of all of this came a life that I am excited to live. I am blessed with three beautiful children and just recently became a grandmother. I found the love of my life and we recently got married. All of this by just doing the work!

I now live my life to empower and inspire others to live their lives at their highest vision.

I did all of this living my life from a place of fear and doubt. If I can move from being broken to living a life that is whole, what is possible for YOU?

Realize that doubts are fear, and fear is: Forgetting Everything’s All Right ~ Sherri Levy