Hard Times Offer Growth and Serenity

I was recently speaking with nine members of our Jesstalk Conversations program and one of the participants expressed a major flurry of sadness, anger, defeat and anxiety over all the broken pieces of her life.  I share the following passage from a brilliant book called Today’s Gift, Daily Meditations for Families by Hazelden. 

After sharing the following passage with her, she opened up and started a process that we at Jesstalk call “just doing the work”!  Wow!  How amazing to see her go out and hire a health coach, clear the clutter from her closets and garage, change her eating plan to shed 100 pounds within a year.  Talk about inspiring!  Please read the passage below and start sharing your thoughts through this blog or others.

Being human means we’ll have hard times along with pleasant ones.  Whether with friends, at school, or at home, we’ll find reasons for sadness or anger as easily as for laughter.  In every part of our lives, we’re offered just what we need for our growth!

Being the best we know how to be doesn’t mean we’ll escape confusion or pain.  Through the troubling times we learn to trust in a higher power; we learn patience; we learn to let go and let God decide outcomes.  The troubling times offer us growth and serenity, our keys to happiness. What Hidden gifts will I find in today’s troubles?  Authored by Barbara Grizutti Harrison.