Are You Over Serving Trying To Fit In?



Your Best Life Begins When You Determine What Matters Most

Does your over serving mentality catapult  you into tyring to please too many people?  Are you allowing your friends, family and coworkers to lure you into constant high demand of your time and services in echange for friendship, love, affinity or belonging? Are you over serving in an attempt to fit in, get along or be accepted?  

These are questions that many people face on a daily basis.  In our speaking workshops, training and seminars audience members constantly complain about how to manage issues like this.  At least 80% of the clients we serve in our success coaching programs have major challenges attempting to regain their sanity in relationship matters.  They often site the quest for achieving a better personal and professional balance and knowing when enough is enough.

We call this the “disease to please”!  We have witnessed this “disease to please” bring on depression in the lives of unsuspecting good people.  Do you find yourself living your life to please others and rarely if ever asking yourself what pleases you?    So many people live and ‘I’ focused life perspective and are full of one main agenda…Getting what they want from you!  The fear of not being accepted can be so strong leaving you in the mode of disease to please. Often times we please in our effort to be accepted.  

We have had tens of thousands of lives pass through our hands with an overwhelming majority of those lives never asking themselves what they want, what matters most to them. What matters most to you?  What is your WHY? Once you learn and enroll these amazing principles…it’s like riding a bike!  Regardless of how much time passes in between rides, you will never forget how to regain your best life balance.

Fear of Not Fitting In Can Lead to Gloomy Days

Those of us who move through life with positive and attractive personalities or attractive characters are typically those who have increased our mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and financial power and strengths while reducing or removing our limitations in a comprehensive fashion.  We care enough about our personal signature to shape it in a pleasing fashion that serves others while serving ourselves.  Will you live in fear?  How does your signature show up?  Will you discover your personal signature now?

When we are serving our life coaching and corporate coaching clients the most common complaint is the lack of time and energy, the feeling of being burned out from over demand on the job and family obligations.  The most important ingredient for building a life you love with joy and empowerment comes from taking care of yourself first.  If you aren’t healthy, the rest of your family and or professional endeavors aren’t healthy to the same exponential degree. Start looking at this fork in the road as a fork in the sand of life allowing the ebb and flow to manifest like the tide rolling in and out on a daily basis!

You must live into a healthy life diet perspective, which consist of a potpourri of ingredients depending on your personal make up.  However the chief ingredient that can’t be left out is housed in the following: mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health and wellbeing.  You may as well stick a fork in it and call it done should you elect to not subscribe to this magical recipe for lasting joy and inspiration!  You will win in the biggest of fashions if this paradigm finds its way onto your dinner plate of life.

What are you doing to stomp out, fear, anxiety, depression and abuse when it comes to your choice of the “people-food” of life you allow yourself to feast on?  You are what you eat!  Learn more about how to stop being sick and tired of being sick and tired in upcoming blog posts and by tunning into our podcast featuring this subject matter on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 5:00 PM PT.  Also, you will find us streaming live on Facebook during the show or on

Our webmaster will have the show posted on the JessTalk website podcast page within 8 hours of the live broadcast. In order to watch on demand, please click!podcast/c1xej

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