Who Wants Their Business To Get Found Online?

Robert Ciccone

Top Marketing Expert in North America

 “Making challenging Internet marketing…awesomely simple”

I met Robert Ciccone through his father, Vittorio Ciccone, more than 26 years ago.  With an Italian heritage that runs deep, both Ciccone’s and their families reside in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.  Robert Ciccone is a very unassuming professional.  He is modest and exceedingly intelligent.  His friends and associates call him Rob, which seems fitting for his charismatic and infectious personality.  In addition to his keen sense regarding all life matters, Rob is particularly astute in all marketing matters. 

Rob is the president and founder of Success Unlimited Sales and Marketing Group.  He and his team at SUSMG are accomplished in all phases of marketing, from developing strategies, to bringing those strategies to life – online, in social media, and in conventional print and broadcast media.  In addition to Rob’s real-world experience and formal studies, he continues to hone his skills in training, psychology, coaching, communications, personal development and peak performance.

 Salvatore & Vittorio Ciccone

While I’m anxious to share Rob’s brilliance in the article below, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge my gratitude to Rob and his brother, Anthony.  During a critical turning point in my own career in 2001, it was Rob and Anthony who pulled me back from the brink of a personal and professional disaster.  It is only with their grace and kindness, that I discovered my true calling, and that I have a stage to share Rob’s success with my audience.

Anthony Ciccone
B.Comm, CHFC

I recently had a session with Rob about my frustrations with website designers and internet companies that claim to get our business found online.  Rather than being found on line, I was actually lost online and what I found was less money in my walet and bank account shuttering with the deafend silence of a phone that never rang from a prospective client who found us online. 

I no longer make significant monthly payments to countless third-party internet companies, and we’ve started receiving inquiries from qualified prospects inside of one week from rebuilding our website.  It was refreshing to see the work we put into researching how to design our website that was in tune with those who are looking for our services. 

It was also nice to close thousands of dollars sales from new clients within 7 days after not having our phones ring 1 time in four years!  Like we always say, How Does That Leave You Feeling?  To insure that you grab the HUGE KEY POINTS from this experience I will repeat the preceding passage later in this wrting.  You will appreciate, value and likely enroll the wisdom from a true expert in the world of marketing and online presence as you read the reposted artcile below.

Please enjoy this writing by Rob that was published in the Vancouver, Canada Make It Business magazine.  He really does make the entire process of online marketing awesomely simple!  In fact, I have subscribed to Rob’s methodology to achieve greater success with my online presence, www.jesstalk.com. 

Marketing basics apply to online and offline world
Written by Robert Ciccone Posted In Articles, Issue 28 – Web Wonders, Marketing & Branding
Last update: November 29, 2013

Online marketing initiatives can be a complicated and sometimes daunting proposition. Some may even argue that it is a science that requires some sort of degree. After all, you need to know and understand things like affiliate marketing, pay-per-click campaigns, …

Online marketing initiatives can be a complicated and sometimes daunting proposition. Some may even argue that it is a science that requires some sort of degree. After all, you need to know and understand things like affiliate marketing, pay-per-click campaigns, ad sense, link exchanges, banner advertising, search engine optimization, HTML coding, and on and on. Today everyone is talking about online social media strategies. Who knows what they are going to come up with tomorrow? – technology is always evolving and with this evolution come new ways for business to capitalize.

So where does that leave the small business owner and entrepreneur? – the person whose forte is running a business and selling and marketing its services. The person who has built a strong business acumen and is on the frontlines every day separating what works in the real world versus the latest theory.

Well, I think it leaves them in the best position of all in terms of capitalizing on the powerful and breakthrough tools that the Internet provides. If only the typical entrepreneur could realize this.
It’s amazing to me how many smart businesspeople throw everything they know about business-building and marketing out the window when trying to implement their online strategies.

For some reason when experienced, successful businesspeople decide they need to market online, they perceive the Internet as some sort of disconnected thing and not part of their current sphere of business or marketing experience. They fail to realize that the Internet and all the e-tools that come with it are just that, tools. Yes, they are powerful and in some cases business transforming tools, but they are still just “tools”.

In my experience, when an internet initiative fails it is usually because the business owner, in many cases, gives away control to internet experts who have educated themselves in a particular area of the internet, but not in the field of marketing or advertising – they may specialize in pay-per-click or how to update your site for search engine optimization, but have no advertising or marketing savvy or experience.

So how do you take control and confidently manage your Internet efforts? How do you keep a level head and keep your eye on the marketing ball when implementing your online strategies? Simple. Keep the basics in mind and let them be your foundation for whatever online tools and strategies you are implementing.

Use these basic strategies:

Have an objective.
If you don’t know specifically what you are trying to do, it will be very difficult to design an effective online program.

Understand your customer.
Profile your ideal client and focus all efforts on them. Who is your ideal client? Where are they? How do they think? What are their online habits? How do they surf the ‘net? What interests them? What do they buy?

Articulate your uniqueness.
In order to succeed online or off, it is critical that you create and sustain a competitive advantage. You must be able to answer the question: why should someone do business with you versus all other choices available?

It’s not that one form of online marketing is better than the other. They all work but they just do different things, you want them to all work together and with whatever you are doing off-line so that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its individual parts.

Test different things against what you are currently doing. One landing page versus another, one headline against another, offer against offer, copy against copy, bonus against bonus, guarantee against guarantee, and script against script. Change one element at a time, determine what’s working and do it some more.

Yes, marketing online can be a complex task, but it doesn’t have to be. Realize that you are the expert when it comes to marketing your business. When using the wonderful online tools available, be in charge of your implementation team, manage its direction and don’t forget about the basics of business, marketing and strategy.

Rob Ciccone makes this entire process awesomely simple!  When I told Rob that I was taking our online presence on and I was going to manage it myself, he championed my cause!  I said that I was tired of making significant monthly payments to countless internet companies that claimed to get me and my business found online, only to never have my phone ring from someone who found me online who did not already know us!

If you have experienced this same frustration, you will want to reach out for the services and guidance from a ‘true marketing genius’ in Rob Ciccone!  As I mentioned earlier and it is worth repeating again, after rebuilding our new website and online presence at www.jessTalk.com our phone started ringing from incredible prospects.

Because so many of you reading this blog suffer from very similar online presence nightmares, I will share the following HUGE KEY POINT  again.  We have turned those ringing phones and qualified prospects into beautiful professional relationships and money in the bank!  If you are doing it yourself and you want to get started on the right foot, there is ONE major credible source you can call.  I highly recommend the services of Rob Ciccone and he and his team is only a phone call away!  The cool thing about calling Rob is number one, he really is cool and number two he always answers with a smile and a ‘we can do this’ attitude!


Robert Ciccone is the president and founder of Success Unlimited Sales
and Marketing Group www.susmg.com

He is also the creator of the Marketing for Profit Program, a three-part results program that provides the marketing systems, tools and ongoing support to help participants effectively build, manage and operate a profitable business (www.susmg.com/MarketingForProfit).

Robert can be reached at 604- 535-2111 or [email protected]